
Friday, October 6, 2023

It was a Guadalupe Bass kind of day

Martindale River Access

San Marcos River, Martindale, TX

Had a good morning on the San Marcos river. Was around 70 degrees and very comfortable when I arrived. When I pulled into the parking area a fox ran across in front of me. About 30 minutes into fishing I saw a snake in the water about 10 yds in front of me and he went the other way :) I also saw a hawk in a tree. Lots of wildlife this morning.

I caught 5 Guadalupe bass this morning. All were in the swift water against the opposite bank and all on the exact same bait. Love those Z-Man baits! I fished for 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Guadalupe Bass, Ned Rig - Z-Man Finesse TRD "Bubble Gut"

Guadalupe Bass, Ned Rig - Z-Man Finesse TRD "Bubble Gut"

Guadalupe Bass, Ned Rig - Z-Man Finesse TRD "Bubble Gut"

Guadalupe Bass, Ned Rig - Z-Man Finesse TRD "Bubble Gut"

Guadalupe Bass, Ned Rig - Z-Man Finesse TRD "Bubble Gut", 10.25 "